Design Uncut

The K+B Industry Group is a private Facebook Group that was launched in 2015 by Modenus Media CEO, Veronika Miller. The Facebook Group is solely for industry professionals in the kitchen and bath industry includes but is not limited to designers, architects, manufacturers and brands, agencies, etc. with the intention to serve as a source of inspiration and discussion forum for members. The Group has grown to more than 1,400 highly-engaged members through its diverse content created by subject matter experts including surveys, market research insights and key topics like wellness, technology, sustainability and business.
As Covid-19 emerged, Veronika Miller and CEO of KMB Communications, Katye McGregor Bennett, saw an opportunity to engage a digital audience with subject matter that spoke to both home design and smart home technology. The premise and goal both Veronika and Katye envisioned was to bridge the gap between the tech and design communities by featuring a weekly hour-long Facebook Live conversation that brings professionals from both areas together to inspire and answer questions around the technical aspects of design.
Since its launch, the weekly show has produced seven episodes with over 3,400 views!